Jumat, 11 Januari 2013

Computers for Mathematics Instruction (CMI) Project
Module 2:
Graphing Software
organised by
Ministry of Education, Brunei Darussalam
Secondary Mathematics School-Based Committee
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
written by
Wong Khoon Yoong
Computers for Mathematics Instruction (CMI) Project
Module 2
Graphing Software
Wong Khoon Yoong
Introduction .................................................................................................................. 1
Objectives .................................................................................................................... 1
Pre-requisites ............................................................................................................... 1
What is a Graphing Software ....................................................................................... 2
Installing Graphmatica.................................................................................................. 3
Overview of Module 2................................................................................................... 3
Instructional Objectives with Graphing Software .......................................................... 4
Teaching Sequence When Using Graphing Software.................................................. 5
Caution in Using Graphing Software ............................................................................ 6
Linear Equations ................................................................................................. 7
Quadratic Graphs: Line of Symmetry ................................................................ 14
Graphical Solution of Quadratic Equations ....................................................... 16
Transformations on Quadratic Graph................................................................ 20
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables.................................................................. 23
Inverse Functions.............................................................................................. 27
Exponential Functions....................................................................................... 29
The Exponential Function ................................................................................. 32
Sine Functions .................................................................................................. 34
Trigonometric Identities ..................................................................................... 38
Absolute Valued Functions ............................................................................... 41
Transformations on Functions........................................................................... 45
Derivatives of Functions.................................................................................... 48
Parametric Equations........................................................................................ 50
Power Series..................................................................................................... 52
Graphing Software as a Productivity Tool .................................................................. 53
References................................................................................................................. 54
Teacher Feedback ..................................................................................................... 56
Pupil Feedback .......................................................................................................... 57

This is the second module of the Computers for Mathematics Instruction
(CMI) Project, an in-service program organised by the Ministry of
Education, the Secondary Mathematics School-Based Committee, and the
Department of Science and Mathematics Education at Universiti Brunei
Darussalam. The aim of the CMI Project is to help mathematics teachers
acquire the knowledge and develop the skills to use computers to teach
mathematics in secondary schools.
This module covers the use of the graphing software, Graphmatica, to teach
selected mathematics topics in the secondary school mathematics syllabi.
Extension examples are also given to challenge the more able pupils.
This module is to be used in a 3-hour training session for teachers.
Comments, corrections and any other feedback relating to any part of this
manual are most welcome. Please send your comments to me.
Dr Wong Khoon Yoong
Department of Science and Mathematics Education
Room 2.36, Tel: 249001-528, email: wongky@ubd.edu.bn
At the end of this module, teachers will be able to:
1. use the graphing software together with sample worksheets to teach
selected mathematics topics in the classrooms;
2. use the graphing software, together with a screen capture program, as
a productivity tool in the preparation of worksheets and tests;
3. understand the pedagogical principles used in the design of the
worksheets, so that these principles can be applied to develop own
activities later on.
Participating teachers should be familiar with Windows 95 and, preferably,
have attended Module 1on Excel templates.
Graphing (Wong) 2
What is a Graphing Software
A graphing software is a specialised program used by mathematicians in the
study of graphs of functions. Most graphing software has the following
1. Plot graphs by accepting functions in Cartesian form, y =f(x), x = g(y),
as implicit functions (for example, x2 + y2 = 9), in parametric form, or
as polar equations.
2. Allow the user to control the domain and range of values to be plotted.
3. Zoom feature to allow the user to study local and global properties and
to obtain more accurate values, especially when solving equations
4. Trace feature to enable the user to read off the x-y coordinates of
points on a given curve.
5. Accept standard mathematical functions.
6. Include calculus features such as plotting of derivative and computing
the numerical area under a curve.
There are several commercial software that includes graphing features: ANUGraph,
Mathematica, MathCad, and MathLab. These commercial packages
require large memory and are difficult to learn. In this module, we will use
the shareware, Graphmatica, by Keith Hertzer. It is powerful and yet very
easy to use. It a small program (178 KB in zipped file), so pupils can copy
and use it on their home computer, if necessary. As a shareware, it is cheap
compared to the above mentioned commercial packages. It can be
downloaded from the Math Forum Web site, http://forum.swarthmore.edu.
The main limitation of Graphmatica is that it cannot plot points entered by
the user.
Although this module uses Graphmatica, the worksheets given here can be
modified to suit any other graphing software (as well as graphing
calculators), provided the teachers keep in mind the pedagogical principles
Excel can be used plot graphs, but this requires some programming skills.
Thus, a spreadsheet is less user-friendly than a graphing software for plotting
3 Graphing (Wong)
Installing Graphmatica
1. Create a sub-directory in the hard disk and name it graphma (if you
use a different name, change accordingly in the following steps).
2. Copy the two files, grmat15w.zip and pkunzip.exe, into the subdirectory,
3. Select Start/Programs/MS-DOS prompt.
4. At the DOS prompt, type: cd \ graphma
5. Note that you are now in the graphma sub-directory. Type:
pkunzip grmat15w
6. This will unzip the grmat15w.zip file into 16 files. The program file is
called graphmat.exe. Close the MS-DOS prompt by clicking on its
cross button.
7. To add Graphmatica into the taskbar, select Start/Settings/Taskbar.
Then select Start Menu Program and click Add. In the Command line
box, type: c:\graphma\graphmat.exe or browse to locate and select this
file. Click Next and follow the instructions to complete the installation.
8. Once the program has been properly installed, it can be launched from
Start/Programs by clicking the Graphmatica icon .
9. (Optional) The default look of the Graphmatica screen
can be changed to suit your preference. I like to change
its look as follows. Maximise the Graphmatica window.
Under View/Colors, select the background to white
button, because white background is more legible and uses less ink
when printed. To make this change permanent, select File/Save Setup
Overview of Module 2
This manual contain several parts. The first and most important part deals
with the use of the graphing software as an instructional tool. Fifteen sample
worksheets on various topics are included. The pedagogical principles
underlying the design and use of these worksheets are discussed in the
Comments sections. Since it is not possible to include here all the graph
topics, it is hoped that teachers will apply the principles given here to design
their own worksheets. The second part briefly explains how to use
Graphmatica, with or without a screen capture program, as a productivity
tool for teachers. The Reference section provides selected readings and some
resources on the Internet. The two checklists at the end are to be used to
collect data to evaluate the effectiveness of using the technique discussed in
this module. Teachers who have conducted lessons based on these
worksheets are requested to return the completed checklists to the author.
Graphing (Wong) 4
Instructional Objectives with Graphing Software
The graphing software can plot graphs accurately and rapidly. This power be
exploited to achieve several instructional objectives, some of these are also
shared by using the Excel templates in Module 1.
1. To Develop Concepts Through Multi-Modal Linkage. Many
algebraic concepts are represented in symbols. These symbols can be
illustrated visually in a graphical mode and numerically through
substitution. For example, the meaning of the symbol m in the linear
equation, y = mx + c, can be demonstrated by plotting a family of
lines. Algebraic and trigonometric identities can be illustrated by
superimposing graphs onto one another. Showing this helps to
motivate the analytic proof. The graphing software allows the users
(teachers as well as pupils) to quickly work with numerous examples
and counter-examples to develop the relationships between the
symbolic, graphical, and numerical mode of representation. Seeing the
connections between these modes is an important aspect of
mathematical understanding.
2. To Reinforce Concepts. In most instances, the teacher will initially
explain the concept without the use of computer (see the next section).
Once the pupils have acquired some notions of the concept, they can
work with the graphing software to explore further examples, without
being handicapped by the lack of basic arithmetic skills, tedious
calculations, or errors in manual plotting.
3. To Rectify Common Errors. Pupils often equate expressions that look
alike; for example, (x + 1)2 = x2 + 1 and sin 2x = 2sin x. By plotting
suitable graphs, these pupils can see visually how the expressions are
different. The teacher can use this as an additional remedial activity to
help pupils rectify their errors and misconceptions. This graphical
approach must be reinforced with analytic explanations.
4. To Check Graphical and Analytical Solutions. Pupils can use a
graphing software to check their answers to graphical and nongraphical
problems. This develops the desirable habit of self-check in
problem solving.
5. To Solve Equations Graphically. In the real world, there are
numerous problems that cannot be solved analytically. In these cases,
approximate methods such as graphing are the only possible means to
solve the problems. A graphing software is an efficient tool for finding
approximate solutions. Pupils should be made aware of this use of
graphing technology so that they will appreciate that some
mathematical problems cannot be solved by finding the 'right formula'
because there is none!
5 Graphing (Wong)
6. To Test Conjectures Through Problem Posing. Give pupils the
opportunity to discover patterns, to explore mathematical properties,
and to test conjectures through posing their own "what-if" problems.
This is an important process of mathematical thinking. When a
graphing software is used for this purpose, pupils are not hampered by
their lack of computational or manual plotting ability. However, this
discovery mode of learning is best done under the guidance of the
7. To Become Metacognitive. Pupils should learn to check their own
answers using screen output and to take responsibility for their
learning. Group discussions can be incorporated to promote learning
by the constructivist and reflective approach.
8. To Acquire Information Technology Skills. This is achieved in an
indirect way through learning how to use a powerful software.
9. To Enhance Motivation to Learn. Pupils are generally motivated to
learn mathematics using a computer. A graphing software can add
interest to mathematics learning because it is easy and fun to use. The
graphics outputs can be very vivid and impressive.
Teaching Sequence When Using Graphing Software
The following sections contain 15 worksheets on teaching graphing topics in
the secondary mathematics curriculum: Syllabus D, Additional Mathematics
and Pure Mathematics. Teacher notes are given to highlight the pedagogical
principles underlying each worksheet, so that teachers can apply these
principles when they design their own worksheets later on.
To use graphing software effectively, teachers have to provide guidance to
the pupils. Unguided, unstructured explorations often take too much time
and may not lead to the intended learning objectives, though they may be
used occasionally to promote creative thinking. The suggested sequence, as
explained also in Module 1, is:
manual plotting ® computer plotting ® manual plotting
A typical teaching sequence is as follows.
1. Explain the intended concept or skill without using computer. This may
be done using exposition, a multimodal approach or group discussion.
This initial step equips the pupils with the necessary mathematical
background to follow the computer-based activity.
Graphing (Wong) 6
2. Conduct the lesson using the software. This may be done in two ways:
(a) Whole Class Lesson. The teacher demonstrates examples and
counter-examples using the software and explains the intended
outcomes. This should include question-and-answer to promote
active learning. An LCD panel is required to project the
computer screen via an overheads projector onto a larger screen
so that the whole class can follow the screen display.
(b) Pupil Activity. In this mode, the activity will be conducted in a
computer laboratory. Pupils work on the worksheet individually,
in pairs, or in small groups. Pair work is the preferred option
because discussion among peers will facilitate meaningful
learning. Encourage pupils to work with paper, pencil, and
calculator to check the screen events. This promotes active
learning through “scribbling” and "tinkering". During the lesson,
walk around to check that the pupils are on task, and give help
whenever necessary. Stop the class periodically to discuss or
summarise findings. Collect the worksheets and mark them as
class work or homework.
3. Provide reinforcement. Once the computer activity has been
completed, give further practice to reinforce concept and develop the
skill to the necessary assessment level.
Caution in Using Graphing Software
Teachers should be aware of the limitations of the computer precision and
software algorithms. Given these limitations, some graphs with extreme
values (too large or too small) may be wrong or appear distorted. For
example, plotting y = 1000x will produce a faint line on the y-axis. The
diagram below shows a plot of y = cos 30x, which is quite distorted. The
distortion may be rectified by maximising the window or changing the scales.
For lower secondary forms, examples must be judiciously chosen to avoid
these problems. At upper secondary forms, pupils may explore the effects of
these limitations, provided they possess the necessary mathematical
7 Graphing (Wong)
Linear Equations
This activity provides an approach to teaching linear equations different from that given
in the Lineq Excel template in Module 1. Compare the pros and cons of the two
approaches. Which approach works better for you and your pupils?
Target Group Form 2
1. To relate m to the gradient of a line.
2. To relate c to the y-intercept of a line.
3. To plot graphs of linear equations given in the slope-intercept
form and in the general form.
1. To explore patterns in families of straight lines. In this
approach, we treat each line as a mathematical object.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Work through the worksheet "What is Your Line?" as given in
Module 1. This introduces linear equation and the concept of
"satisfying an equation" with manual plotting. Manual plotting
is used at the initial stage to introduce the required concept
before pupils use the computer.
2. Work through the worksheet "Lines Parallel to the Axes".
Graphmatica shows table of values for only integral xcoordinates.
Encourage pupils to enter negative values,
fractions and decimals in their own examples.
3. This worksheet also introduces the trace feature of
Graphmatica. Caution: On some computer screen, it may not
be possible to obtain exact values of the points on the line.
Experiment with the arrow keys for finer adjustment.
4. Work through the worksheet " m is Gradient".
5. Graphmatica does not require the asterisks for multiplication.
Hence, 2x may be entered as 2x or 2*x.
6. Work through the worksheet "c is y-intercept".
Graphing (Wong) 8
7. Lead pupils to deduce that as c increases, the lines are parallel
and move vertically upwards as in (a). Some pupils may think
that the lines move diagonally as shown in (b). Make sure that
they do not form this misconception.
(a) Correct (lines move vertically) (b) Incorrect (lines move diagonally)
8. Although the syllabus includes only y-intercept, it is appropriate
to introduce the term intercept for both x- and y-axis. Thus, the
x-intercept is the point where the line cuts the x-axis. For the
better pupils, provide a project on the intercept-form of the
equation of a straight line: xa
b + = 1. See Item 6 of the
worksheet "General Linear Equation”.
9. Work through the worksheet "Slope-Intercept Form”.
10. Work through the worksheet "General Linear Equation”.
11. Graphmatica accepts implicitly defined functions. For example,
the equation, 2x + 3y + 6 = 0 may be entered as: 2x + 3y = 6 or
2x + 3y - 6 = 0.
m = 1 m = 1
9 Graphing (Wong)
Lines Parallel to the Axes
Objective: To plot lines of the form y = constant and x = constant.
1. Launch the program Graphmatica from Start/Programs by clicking the
Graphmatica icon .
2. In the top dialogue box, enter y = 2, and press Enter. A line will be plotted. Click
Options/Print Tables. This shows the coordinates of some points on the line y = 2.
Study this table and write a sentence about your observation.
3. Click the "Coord cursor" button. The cursor becomes a crosshair. Move it along
the line and read the coordinates given in the bottom status bar. What do you
notice? (On some screen you may not be able to get y = 2 exactly.)
4. Sketch the following lines and check your answers using Graphmatica.
y = 3 y = - 4 y = 2.4
5. Click the "Clear" button to clear all the graphs. Enter x = 2, and press Enter. Study
the table of values and use the "Coord cursor" button. What do you notice? Write
a sentence about your observation.
6. Sketch the following lines and check your answers using Graphmatica.
x = 3 x = - 4 x = 2.4
Note: To make the table of values appear and disappear, click Options/Print Tables.
Graphing (Wong) 10
m is Gradient
Objective: To relate m in the equation y = mx to the gradient of the line.
1. Begin with a clean screen by clicking the "Clear" button.
2. Enter y = x, and press Enter. A line will be plotted. Study the table of values and
use the "Coord cursor" button to explore points on the line. Write a sentence about
your observation.
3. Enter y = 2x (or y = 2*x). Study the table of values. Is this line steeper or less steep
than the first line?
4. Sketch both lines and label them.
5. Enter y = 3x, y = 4.2x, and other equations
of your own of the form, y = mx, where m is
positive. In each case, sketch the line on the
diagram and label it.
6. Complete the sentence:
As m increases from 0, the graph ________________________________.
7. Click the "Clear" button to clear all the graphs.
8. Enter y = -0.2x, y = -x, y = -2x and other
equations of your own of the form, y = mx,
where m is negative.
Sketch these lines on the axes given and label
9. Complete the sentence:
As m decreases from 0, the graph ________________________________.
10. Complete the following:
x = a constant, gradient = ____________________________
y = a constant, gradient = ____________________________
11 Graphing (Wong)
c is y-intercept
Objective: To relate c in the equation y = x + c to the y-intercept (where
the line cuts the y-axis).
1. Begin with a clean screen by clicking the "Clear" button.
2. Enter y = x, and press Enter.
3. Enter y = x + 1. Study the table of values and use the "Coord cursor" button to
explore points on the line. How is this line similar and different from the first line?
(i) The two lines are similar: _____________________________________
(ii) The two lines are different: _____________________________________
(iii) The second line can be obtained from the first line by _________________
4. Sketch both lines and label them.
5. Enter y = x + 2, y = x + 3, and other
equations of your own of the form,
y = x + c, where c is positive. In each case,
sketch the line on the diagram and label it.
6. Complete the sentence:
As c increases from 0, the graph
7. Click the "Clear" button to clear all the graphs.
8. Enter y = x, y = x - 1, y = x - 2, and other
equations of your own of the form,
y = x + c, where c is negative.
Sketch these lines on the axes given and
label them.
9. Complete the sentence:
As c decreases from 0, the graph
Graphing (Wong) 12
Slope-Intercept Form
Objective: To plot lines given by the equation y = mx + c.
1. Without using the computer, sketch the following lines in relation to y = x.
Predicted Sketches
y = x - 4 y = -2x + 2 y = 3x + 1
2. Check your answers using Graphmatica.
3. Repeat the above with other equations of your own. Given several lines on the
screen, how do you find out the equation of each line?
4. (Optional) If your computer is connected to a printer, select File/Print to print the
lines you have plotted, label them and submit it as class work.
5. Practise with as many examples as you wish until you know how to plot the graph
of a given linear equation in the form, y = mx + c.
6. Find the equation of the line that passes through (2, 6) and has a slope of -2. Check
your answer using Graphmatica.
7. Write down at least four linear equations such that each one will pass through the
point (1, 3).
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Enter your equations into Graphmatica and check that your lines actually pass
through the point (1, 3).
5. Use linear equations to make some patterns of your own.
y = x y = x y = x
13 Graphing (Wong)
General Linear Equation
Objective: To plot lines given by the general equation ax + by + c = 0.
1. To plot the graph of the general linear equation, ax + by + c = 0, make up a table
of x-y values for three points. Why choose three points?
2. Complete the following table for the equation, 2x + 3y + 6 = 0.
x 0 1
y 0
Why are these three values chosen?
3. Plot the above equation on graph paper.
4. In Graphmatica, enter: 2x + 3y + 6 = 0. Is your graph correct?
5. Use Graphmatica to check your textbook exercise on plotting.
6. (a) Plot the equation x + 2y = 4 using Graphmatica. Where does the line cut the
x-axis and the y-axis?
It cuts the x-axis at _________________ and the y-axis at ______________.
These are called the intercepts of the line.
(b) Find a line that intersects the above line at the point (4, 0). Check your
answer using the computer.
(c) Find at least three more lines that intersect line (a) at the point (4, 0). Check
your answer using the software. Sketch your lines below. (Optional) Print
your answer.
Graphing (Wong) 14
Quadratic Graphs: Line of Symmetry
Target Group Form 4 Additional Mathematics
1. To deduce the equation of the line of symmetry of a quadratic
2. To compute the maximum or minimum value of a quadratic
function using the turning point.
1. To spot patterns and test conjecture.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. This activity is to be completed after the pupils have some
practice of manually plotting simple quadratic graphs.
2. Work through the worksheet "Line of Symmetry".
3. Pupils are expected to
· deduce the equation of the line of symmetry, x b
a = - 2 ;
· note that maximum value is obtained when a < 0 and that
minimum value is obtained when a > 0;
· calculate the minimum or maximum value by substituting
the x-value for the line of symmetry into the quadratic
4. Item 3 develops self-check by asking pupils to confirm their
answers by plotting the lines of symmetry they have obtained.
5. Item 5 is an example of using graphs to rectify common errors.
This remedial activity should be complemented with analytic
15 Graphing (Wong)
Line of Symmetry
Objective: To obtain the line of symmetry of a quadratic function
and to compute its minimum or maximum value.
1. In Graphmatica enter the equation, y = x2 + 2x by typing: x^2+2x.
Where is its line of symmetry? Enter: x = -1. What happens?
2. Do you agree with the entries in the first row of the table below?
Quadratic Function a b c Line of Symmetry Maximum or
Minimum Value
y = x2 + 2x 1 2 0 x = -1 min, -1
y = x2 + 2x + 6
y = x2 - 4x
y = x2 - 4x + 5
y = 2x2 - 6x - 2
y = 2x2 + 8x + 2
y = x2 - 9x + 3
y = 3x2 + 6x + 5
3. Complete the table above using Graphmatica as a tool. Use the "Zoom in" and
"Zoom out" buttons to obtain more accurate answers. In each case, plot the line of
symmetry to check that your answer is correct.
4. Answer the following questions.
(a) Does the value of c affect the equation of the line of symmetry? Why?
(b) What is the rule for finding the equation of the line of symmetry in terms of
a, b, and c? Test your answer with some examples of your own.
(c) How can you tell whether a quadratic function has a minimum or a maximum
value by looking at the sign of a?
(d) How do you use the line of symmetry to calculate the minimum or maximum
5. Plot (x + 2)2 and x2 + 4. Is it true that (x + 2)2 = x2 + 4 ? Do they have the same
line of symmetry and minimum (or maximum) value?
Graphing (Wong) 16
Graphical Solution of Quadratic Equations
Target Group Form 4
1. To relate the roots of a quadratic equation to the x-intercept,
i.e., the x-coordinates of the points where the curve intersects
the x-axis.
2. To determine the solutions of two simultaneous equations
(quadratic or linear) by finding the x-coordinates of the points
of intersection.
3. To solve the reverse problem: given the roots of a quadratic
equation, find the equation.
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. This activity is to be completed after the pupils have some
practice of solving quadratic equations by manual graphing.
2. Work through the worksheet "Solve Quadratic Equations
3. Item 1 uses equations in the factored form only. This is
followed by Item 2 which uses equations that cannot be
factorized easily. Item 2 illustrates the advantage of a graphical
method. Use the Zoom feature to obtain answers correct to the
accuracy given. Encourage pupils to zoom in as much as they
wish to obtain their "best" solutions.
4. In Item 3, two equations are given to develop the concept of
finding the points of intersection of two curves. This is an
important general principle which can be applied to solving any
equation using a graphical method.
5. Item 4 is the reverse problem with numerous solutions. Let
pupils compare their answers. The better pupils may be
challenged to give answers involving two equations as in
Item 3. Another open-ended question: Find several quadratic
curves that pass through the points (-1, 0) and (2, 0). Which of
your curves also pass through (0, 3)?
6. When modifying the given examples, include decimals,
fractions, equations with identical roots and those without real
roots, move the terms around, and so on. This helps to develop
flexible thinking.
17 Graphing (Wong)
Solve Quadratic Equations Graphically
Objective: To solve equations graphically by finding the
x-coordinates of the points of intersection.
1. Complete the following table with using Graphmatica.
Quadratic Equation Sketch Graph Solutions (Roots)
(a) x2 - 9 = 0 y = x2 - 9 x =
(b) (x - 1)(x + 2) = 0 y = x =
(c) 3(x + 1.5)(x - 5) = 0 y = x =
(d) (3 - x)(2x + 5) = 0 y = x =
Practise with some examples of your own.
Graphing (Wong) 18
2. The equations below cannot be factorized easily. Use the "Zoom in" button to
obtain answers to the accuracy given as well as to your "best" effort.
Quadratic Equation Sketch Graph Solutions (Roots)
(a) x2 - 3x - 1= 0 y = x2 - 3x - 1 Correct to 2 d.p.:
x =
My "best" solutions:
x =
(b) 2x2 + x - 4 = 0 y = Correct to 3 d.p.:
x =
My "best" solutions:
x =
(c) 7 - 2x - x2 = 0 y = Correct to 2 d.p.:
x =
My "best" solutions:
x =
(d) x2 + x + 3 = 0 y = Correct to 3 d.p.:
x =
My "best" solutions:
x =
Practise with some examples of your own.
19 Graphing (Wong)
3. Solve the equations below by plotting two graphs and finding the x-coordinates of
the points of intersection. Use the "Zoom in" button to obtain answers as
accurately as possible.
Quadratic Equation Sketch Graphs Solutions (Roots)
(a) x2 - 3x - 1= x + 2 y = x2 - 3x - 1 and y = x + 2 x =
(b) x2 + 2x - 3= 3x - 1 y = and y = x =
(c) 4 - x2 + 2x = 3x2 - 7 y = and y = x =
(d) 1 + 2x - x2 = x2 - x + 4 y = and y = x =
4. Write down as many different quadratic equations as you can whose roots are 2
and 5. Check your answers using Graphmatica.
Graphing (Wong) 20
Transformations on Quadratic Graph
Target Group Form 4: Project work for Syllabus D
Form 4: Additional Mathematics
1. To deduce the effects of three transformations on the quadratic
graph, f(x) = x2.
2. To apply these transformations to sketch the graph of
f(x) = a(x + b)2 + c.
1. To explore patterns related to families of quadratic curves.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should be familiar with the function notation.
2. Work through the worksheet "Transforming Quadratic Graph".
3. Pupils are expected to deduce that the graph of
· y = f(x) + a = x2 + a is obtained by translating the basic
graph y = x2 through a units along the y-axis, upward if
a > 0 and downward if a < 0;
· y = f(x + a) = (x + a)2 is obtained by translating the basic
graph y = x2 through a units along the x-axis, to the left if
a > 0 and to the right if a < 0;
· y = af(x) = ax2 is obtained by stretching the basic graph
y = x2 along the y-axis with factor a; if a = -1, the basic
graph is reflected in the x-axis.
The overall effect: y = a(x + b)2 + c
4. The transformation f(ax) is not included here because its effect
looks similar to af(x) for the basic quadratic function; it is a
stretch along the x-axis with factor 1a
. The matrix for f(ax) is
1 0
0 1
è çç
ø ÷÷
and for af(x) is
1 0
0 a
è ç
ø ÷
. Use matrices to show that the
effect of f(Öax) is the same as that of af(x) for f(x) = x2.
5. Item 5 uses a short cut to enter a family of equations in
Graphmatica. Make sure that pupils understand how it works.
6. See also the section on "Transformations on Functions".
horizontal translation vertical translation
vertical stretch
21 Graphing (Wong)
Transforming Quadratic Graph
Objective: To apply transformations to sketch quadratic
1. In this activity, the basic quadratic graph refers to f(x) = x2.
2. Consider f(x) + a = x2 + a. In Graphmatica, enter the equations, y = x2, y = x2 + 1,
y = x2 + 2, and other equations of your own of the form, y = x2 + a, where a is
positive. What do you notice about the curves? Sketch them and complete the
sentence below:
The graph of y = f(x) + a = x2 + a, where a > 0, can be
obtained from the graph of y = f(x) = x2 by
3. Clear the screen and enter the equations, y = x2, y = x2 - 1, y = x2 - 2, and other
equations of your own of the form, y = x2 + a, where a is negative. What do you
notice about the curves? Sketch them and complete the sentence below:
The graph of y = f(x) + a = x2 + a, where a < 0, can be
obtained from the graph of y = f(x) = x2 by
4. In Items 2 and 3 above, a is called the parameter. Every value assigned to the
parameter gives one equation and one curve only. When you vary the parameter,
you obtain a family of curves.
5. (Optional) Short cut: Graphmatica has a simple way of entering a family of
equations using parameter. Clear the screen and enter: y = x^2+a {a: 0, 6, 1}.
What do you notice? Try y = x^2+a {a: 0, 6, .2} and y = x^2+a {a: -6, 0, 1}. What
happens in each case?
Graphing (Wong) 22
6. Consider f(x + a) = (x + a)2. By entering suitable equations, complete the sentences
(a) The graph of y = f(x + a) = (x + a)2, where a > 0, can be obtained from the
graph of y = f(x) = x2 by
(b) The graph of y = f(x + a) = (x + a)2, where a < 0, can be obtained from the
graph of y = f(x) = x2 by
7. Consider -f(x) = -x2. By entering suitable equations, complete the sentence below:
The graph of y = -f(x) = -x2 can be obtained from the graph of y = f(x) = x2 by
8. Consider af(x) = ax2. By entering suitable equations, complete the sentences
(a) The graph of y = af(x) = ax2, where a > 0, can be obtained from the graph of
y = f(x) = x2 by
(b) The graph of y = af(x) = ax2, where a < 0, can be obtained from the graph of
y = f(x) = x2 by
9. Draw the graph of y = x2 - 2x using Graphmatica. Sketch it in each diagram below
using blue colour. For each diagram, sketch the new curve given using red colour;
show clearly how each curve is related to the graph of y = x2 - 2x. Check your
answers using Graphmatica.
y = x2 - 2x + 1 y = 3x2 - 6x y = (x + 2)2 - 2(x + 2)
10. Use the above ideas to sketch the graphs of the following:
(a) y = (x - 2)2 + 3 (b) y = 2(x + 1)2 + 4 (c) y = (3 - x)2 - 1
23 Graphing (Wong)
Linear Inequalities in Two Variables
This activity introduces the shading of a region defined by linear inequalities in two
variables. Graphmatica shades the region defined by an inequality. It does NOT
distinguish between a strict inequality (< or >) and an inequality (£ or ³). It accepts
inequalities given in different forms, such as y > 2x + 1, 2x + y > 1, 2x + y - 1 < 0, and so
Target Group Form 5
1. To shade the region defined by linear inequalities.
1. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Work through the worksheet "Solve Linear Inequalities".
2. Item 1 begins with the simple case, x < 3. At lower form, the
solution is the set of numbers less than 3.This is represent on
the number line below:
In the present case, the solution refers to the coordinate plane
involving two variables (x and y). It is important to explain this
difference to the pupils to avoid possible confusion. The
context of the problem will make it clear which answer is
3. Item 2 uses the trace feature of Graphmatica to stress the
meaning of the inequality.
4. For Item 9, pupils may notice that y < mx + c is defined by the
region "below" (or to the left of) the line, whereas y > mx + c is
given by the region "above" (or to the right of) the line. Such
observation is useful, but pupils should not memorise it as a
mechanical rule. The best strategy for determining which region
is required is by testing with specific points not on the given
equation. It is useful to begin with the origin, if possible.
5. Item 10 illustrates regions defined by parallel lines.
6. Item 12 has many different answers. Let pupils compare their
-3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Graphing (Wong) 24
Solve Linear Inequalities
Objective: To solve linear inequalities involving two variables by
1. Enter the inequality x < 3. Copy the screen output in the grid below. Draw a dotted
line for the boundary defined by x = 3. Why?
2. Click the "Coord cursor" button. The cursor becomes a crosshair. Move it inside
the shaded region and notice the coordinates printed at the left-hand bottom
corner. All the points inside the shaded region have x-coordinates less than 3. What
happens to the coordinates when you move the crosshair
(a) inside the unshaded region? ___________________________________
(b) on the line x = 3? ___________________________________
3. Shade the region defined by the following inequalities. Check your answers using
Graphmatica. Draw dotted lines for the boundaries. Why?
x > 2 x < - 4 x > 2.4
4. Graphmatica cannot plot inequalities involving £ or ³. If these inequalities are
given, you have to draw a solid line for the boundary. Why? Complete the
following without using Graphmatica.
x ³ 2 x £ - 4 x ³ 2.4
25 Graphing (Wong)
5. Shade the region defined by the following inequalities. Check your answers using
y > 2 y < - 4 y ³ 2.4
6. Enter x > 2 and y < 3. Copy the screen output in the grid below. The region which
is shaded twice is called the solution of the two inequalities. Use the "Coord
cursor" button to explore the coordinates of the points inside this double shaded
7. Enter y < 2x. Copy the screen output in the grid below. Use the "Coord cursor"
button to explore the coordinates of the points inside this region.
8. Shade the region defined by the following inequalities. Check your answers using
y > 2x + 1 y < 3x - 6 y > 5 - x
Graphing (Wong) 26
9. Given an inequality such as y < mx + c or y > mx + c, can you find a way to decide
which region is the solution?
10. Enter 2x + y < -6. Copy the screen output in the grid below.
Next enter 2x + y < -4, 2x + y < 0, 2x + y < 3, 2x + y < 6, and so on. What do you
notice about these inequalities?
11. Determine the regions defined by the inequalities given. Check your answers using
(a) x + 2y > 1 and 3x - y < 3
(b) y - x > 3, 2x + 3y - 6 < 0 and y > -2
12. Find three linear inequalities such that the region defined by the three inequalities
contains the point (1, 3).
Check your answer using Graphmatica.
27 Graphing (Wong)
Inverse Functions
Target Group Form 4 Syllabus D and Additional Mathematics
1. To plot graphs of inverse functions by equation and by
reflection in the line y = x.
1. To spot pattern and test conjecture.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should know that: given a function y = f(x), its inverse
can be obtained by interchanging x and y in the function and
writing y in terms of x. Graphically, this means that the point
(x, y) becomes (y, x). This concept is reviewed in Items 1 to 4.
2. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of Inverse Functions".
3. Item 5 leads to the reflection property: the graph of f -1 is
obtained by reflecting the graph of f in the line y = x.
4. To plot the inverse functions of Item 7, interchange x and y
and enter directly into Graphmatica. For example, (a) involves
plotting: y=2/x+1 and x=2/y+1; it is NOT necessary to find the
inverse function in the form y = f(x).
Graphing (Wong) 28
Graphs of Inverse Functions
Objective: To plot graph of inverse functions.
1. Complete the following table for the function, y = 2x - 1.
x -3 0 1 2 3
2. Use an algebraic method to determine the inverse of the function, y = 2x - 1.
3. Use your answer to (2) to complete the following table for the inverse function.
y -3 0 1 2 3
4. Notice that the inverse function can be obtained by interchanging x and y in the
given function. Explain why this is so.
5. Plot the graphs of the function, its inverse, and the line y = x using Graphmatica.
Sketch these graphs below. What do you notice about these graphs?
6. Check your observation using other functions of your own.
7. For each function below, sketch its graph and that of its inverse. Check your
answers using Graphmatica. Plot also the line y = x.
(a) y =2x
+ 1 (b) y = x2 + 3 (c) y = 2 1
29 Graphing (Wong)
Exponential Functions
Target Group Form 4 Syllabus D
1. To plot graphs of exponential functions y = ax where a is a
positive integer.
2. To solve exponential equations graphically.
1. To make conjectures about properties of exponential functions
and test conjectures.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Revise Form 2 work on indices. For example, compute the
values of 27
3 , - 27
3 , (- 27)
3 without using calculator and the
value of 30
3 using the xy key on a calculator.
2. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of ax".
3. For Item 6, pupils should note:
· for x < 0, the value of y decreases as the base, a, increases;
· for x > 0, the value of y increases as the base, a, increases;
· these curves do not intersect the x-axis;
· for each curve, the y-values increase very rapidly.
4. For Item 7, Graphmatica interprets -2^x as the same as (-2)^x,
which is different from -(2^x). This is noted in Item 9. The
function (-2)x is not defined when x involves even root. For
example, (- 2) = - 2
is undefined (has no real value),
although (- 2)
3 » -1.26. Thus, an exponential function with
negative base is not defined. For Items 7 and 9, it is crucial to
use brackets correctly.
5. Item 10 uses the technique of superimposing graphs to check
equality. (a) is false; (b) is true by Law of Indices. In (b), the
graphs of y = 2x ´ 3x and y = 6x coincide; select Options/Print
Tables to check that the values are also identical for both
functions, 2x ´ 3x and 6x.
Graphing (Wong) 30
Graphs of ax
Objective: To plot graph of exponential function, y = ax, where a is a
positive integer.
1. Complete the following table for the exponential function, y = 2x.
x -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
y 0.125 1
2. Plot the above equation on graph paper.
3. In Graphmatica, enter: y = 2^x. Compare the graph on the screen with your graph.
Do you get the same answer?
4. Click Options/Print Tables to compare the computer values with those in your
table. What do you notice?
5. Click the "Coord cursor" and move the crosshair over the curve and note the
coordinates of the point given at the left-hand bottom corner. Is it possible to
obtain negative y-value on this curve?
6. Use Graphmatica to plot the graphs: y = 3x, y = 4x, y = 5x, and so on. Copy the
screen output in the grid below and describe your observation about these graphs.
7. Use Graphmatica to plot the graph of y = -2x by entering: y = -(2^x). Be careful to
type the brackets correctly as shown. How is this graph related to that of y = 2x?
31 Graphing (Wong)
8. Repeat Question 6 with the graphs: y = -3x, y = -4x, y = -5x, and so on. Copy the
screen output in the grid below and describe your observation about these graphs.
9. (a) Enter: y = -2^x. Graphmatica treats -2^x as (-2)^x = (-2)x. What happens?
Can you explain the result?
(b) Is (-2)x = -2x ?
10. (a) Is it true that 2x + 3x = 5x ? Check your conjecture by plotting suitable
graphs using Graphmatica.
(b) Is it true that 2x ´ 3x = 6x ?
11. Use Graphmatica to solve the following equations as accurately as possible:
(a) 3x = 15
(b) 2x = 3x + 2
(c) 3x + 4x = x2
Graphing (Wong) 32
The Exponential Function
The exponential function refers to y = ex, where the base e is called the Euler's constant.
Target Group Form 5 Additional Mathematics
1. To illustrate the meaning of e » 2.71828 graphically.
2. To plot graph of the exponential function.
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Revise the work on exponential functions in Syllabus D.
2. Work through the worksheet "Meaning and Graph of ex".
3. For Item 2, introduce the term asymptote with reference to the
line y » 2.718.
4. For Item 3, note that the printed values become constant at
2.7181. This is due to the accuracy of the software. Pupils need
to learn to be cautious about computer display. Their ability to
interpret such display will improve with their mathematical
5. Make designs without the axes!
33 Graphing (Wong)
Meaning and Graph of ex
Objective: To illustrate graphically the meaning of the Euler's constant
and to plot graph of the exponential function, y = ex.
1. The Euler's Constant, e, is defined as the limit of the expression (1+ 1) x
as x
becomes infinitely large (approaches infinity, or x ® ¥). Use calculator to
complete the following table of values for y = (1+ 1) x
x 1 2 10 100 1000 10 000 1 000 000
y 2
2. Use Graphmatica to plot the graph of y = (1+ 1) x
. Copy the screen output in the
grid below and describe your observation about this graph.
3. Click “Zoom out” a few times and note the changes to the graph. Next click
Options/Settings/Change range and change the Left value to 0, the Right value to
10 000, the Top value to 3, and the Bottom value to 2. Click Options/Print Tables.
Explain what you notice about the graph and the printed values.
4. Clear the screen and plot the graph of the exponential function by entering:
y = exp(x) or e^x. Sketch the graph below.
5. Sketch the following graphs. Use Graphmatica to check your answers.
(a) y = -ex (b) y = e -x (c) y = 3e -x (d) y = e x + e -x
Graphing (Wong) 34
Sine Functions
This activity covers the graphs of sine functions in degrees and in radians. By default,
Graphmatica calculates trigonometric functions in radians; e.g., sin (30) » -0.988 where
30 refers to 30 radians (» 17180). To refer to degrees, include *d with the variable; for
example, sin (30*d) = 0.5. Note that d is Graphmatica's built-in constant that converts
degrees to radians.
Target Group Form 4 Additional Mathematics
1. To plot graphs of sine functions in degrees.
2. To determine the amplitude, period and phase of a sine
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should be able to construct table of values of sin (x),
where -3600 £x £ 3600 and plot its graph. Note the periodicity
of the function and its maximum and minimum values.
2. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of Sine Functions in
3. For Item 2, stress that the maximum (or minimum) value occurs
at infinitely many values of x.
4. In Item 3, the effect of a (amplitude) in y = asin x is to stretch
the graph of y = sin x along the y-axis. The y-value at a given
point is obtained by multiplying the y-value for sin x by a.
5. In Item 4, the effect of p (period) in y = sin px is to stretch the
graph of y = sin x along the x-axis, thus changing its period to
(in degrees).
6. In Item 5, the effect of q (phase) in y = sin (x + q) is to translate
the graph of y = sin x along the x-axis, q units to the left if q > 0
and to the right if q < 0. Note that sin (x + 900) is the same as
cos x. Show this by plotting y=cos(x*d); the two graphs will
7. Once the pupils have understood the above ideas, enter:
y = a*sin(x*d) {a: -5,5,1} to plot a family of sine curves
quickly. Repeat for y = sin((a*x)*d) {a: -5,5,1} and
y = sin((x+a)*d) {a: -5,5,1}.
8. Repeat the above activity for cos x and tan x.
35 Graphing (Wong)
Graphs of Sine Functions in Degrees
Objective: To plot graphs of sine functions in degrees.
1. Click View/Grid Range to change the Left value to -360, the Right value to 360,
the Top value to 3, and the Bottom value to -3. Then enter: y=sin(x*d). Compare
the computer display with your graph of y = sin x. Click Options/Print Tables to
study some values.
2. Click “Zoom out”. How many maximum values and minimum values are shown,
and where do these values occur? Use "Zoom in" to obtain more accurate x-values.
Complete the table below.
Maximum Minimum
Value =
Occurs at x =
Other possible values
of x
Repeat the “Zoom out” several times and note what happens.
3. Re-set the grid range to -360 to 360. Enter: y=sin(x*d), y=2sin(x*d), y=3sin(x*d),
and so on. Copy the screen output in the grid below and describe your observation
about these graphs.
4. Repeat the above by entering: y=sin(x*d), y=sin(2x*d), y=sin(3x*d), and so on.
5. Repeat the above by entering: y=sin(x*d), y=sin((x+30)*d), y=sin((x+45)*d),
y=sin((x+90)*d) and so on.
Graphing (Wong) 36
Target Group Form 4 Additional Mathematics
1. To plot graphs of sine functions in radians.
2. To determine the amplitude, period and phase of a sine
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should be able to construct table of values of sin (x),
where -2p £x £ 2p and plot its graph.
2. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of Sine Functions in
3. For Item 2, stress that the maximum (or minimum) value occurs
at infinitely many values of x.
4. In Item 3, the effect of a (amplitude) in y = asin x is to stretch
the graph of y = sin x along the y-axis. The y-value at a given
point is obtained by multiplying the y-value for sin x by a.
5. In Item 4, the effect of p (period) in y = sin px is to stretch the
graph of y = sin x along the x-axis, thus changing its period to
(in radians).
6. In Item 5, the effect of q (phase) in y = sin (x + q) is to translate
the graph of y = sin x along the x-axis, q units to the left if q > 0
and to the right if q < 0. Note that sin (x + p
2 ) is the same as
cos x. Show this by plotting y=cos(x); the two graphs will
coincide. To enter p in Graphmatica, type pi.
7. Once the pupils have understood the above ideas, enter:
y = a*sin(x) {a: -5,5,1} to plot a family of sine curves quickly.
This can be repeated for y = sin(a*x) {a: -5,5,1} and
y = sin((x+a) {a: -5,5,1}.
8. Item 6 gives an example of solving complex equation
graphically where there is no analytic solution.
9. Item 7 introduces Graphmatica Trig paper, which marks the xaxis
in multiples of p. However, for Additional Mathematics, it
is better to work with the Rectangular graph paper because this
is used in the examination questions.
10. Repeat the above activity for cos x and tan x.
37 Graphing (Wong)
Graphs of Sine Functions in Radians
Objective: To plot graphs of sine functions in radians.
1. If you have changed the grid range, click the “Default grid” button. Then enter:
y=sin(x) or y=sin x (leave a space in front of x). Compare the computer display
with your graph of y = sin x. Click Options/Print Tables to study some values.
2. Click “Zoom out”. How many maximum values and minimum values are shown,
and where do these values occur? Use "Zoom in" to obtain more accurate x-values.
Complete the table below.
Maximum Minimum
Value =
Occurs at x =
Other possible values
of x
Repeat the “Zoom out” several times and note what happens.
3. Enter: y=sin(x), y=2sin(x), y=3sin(x), and so on. Copy the screen output in the grid
below and describe your observation about these graphs.
4. Repeat the above by entering: y=sin(x), y=sin(2x), y=sin(3x), and so on.
5. Repeat the above by entering: y=sin(x), y=sin(x+p/6), y=sin(x+p/4), y=sin(x+p)
and so on.
6. Solve graphically: x sin x = 0.5.
7. (Optional) Click View/Graph Paper and choose Trig. What happens?
Graphing (Wong) 38
Trigonometric Identities
This activity illustrates trigonometric identities visually. Visualisation enhances intuitive
understanding and should be introduced before the algebraic proofs.
Target Group Form 4 Additional Mathematics
1. To relate trigonometric identities to graphs.
1. To spot patterns.
2. To resolve misconceptions through visualisation.
Comments 1. Explain that an identity is always true for the given domain.
2. Work through the worksheet "Trigonometric Identities".
3. Items 2 and 3 lead to the Pythagoras identity.
4. Item 4 explores other identities using a similar approach..
5. For Items 5 and 6, the technique of superimposing graphs is
used to help pupils resolve their misconceptions about
trigonometric identities. Having worked through this activity,
pupils must still learn the algebraic proofs.
39 Graphing (Wong)
Trigonometric Identities
Objective: To understand trigonometric identities visually.
1. In this activity, angles are given in radians. Set Options/Print
Tables on so you can study the values together with the graphs.
2. Enter: y=(sin x)^2; this plots y = sin2 x. Enter: y=(cos x)^2; this plots y = cos2 x.
Sketch both curves below.
3. y = sin2 x + cos2 x can be obtained by "adding" the two curves together. Sketch it
in the grid above. Check your answer by entering: y=(sin x)^2 + (cos x)^2. What is
the name of this identity?
4. Use the above approach to illustrate the following identities.
(a) 1 + tan 2 x = sec 2 x (b) 1 + cot 2 x = cosec 2 x
5. (a) Is it true that sin 2x = 2sin x ?
Plot y = sin 2x and y = 2sin x. What can you deduce from the graphs?
(b) Next plot y = 2sin x cos x on the same grid.
Write down your conclusion.
Graphing (Wong) 40
6. (a) Is it true that cos 2x = 2cos x ?
Plot y = cos 2x and y = 2cos x. What can you deduce from the graphs?
(b) Next plot y = 2cos 2 x - 1 on the same grid.
Write down your conclusion.
7. Use Graphmatica to check whether the following is true or false. Explain the
answer using trigonometry.
Identity? Sketch Graph True or False?
(a) sin (x - p) = cos x
(b) cos (x + 2p) = -cos x
(c) cot x + tan 2x =
cot x sec 2x
41 Graphing (Wong)
Absolute Valued Functions
Target Group Form 4 Additional Mathematics
1. To plot graphs of absolute valued functions.
2. To determine the effect of taking the absolute value of a given
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of Absolute Valued
2. Item 1 introduces the definition of the absolute valued function,
|x| and its plotting from first principles.
3. From Items 4 and 5, pupils should deduce that the vertex of the
graph y = |mx + c| has coordinates ( ) - cm
,0 . However, it is not
necessary to remember this rule.
4. For Item 6, pupils should spot the pattern: taking the absolute
value of a function will reflect the negative y-values about the
5. The absolute valued function is the first example of a piecewise
function that pupils encounter in secondary schools. In
Graphmatica, such piecewise functions can be plotted by
entering the rules for the separate domains: y=-x {,0} and y=x
{0,}. The domain {,0} includes all real values less than 0, and
the domain {0,} includes all values ³ 0. Another example:
f x
x x
x x
x x
( )
+ < -
£ <
- ³
í ï î ï
6 2
8 2 2
for - 2 2
Enter as three separate functions: y=x+6 {,-2}, y=x^2 {-2,2},
y=8-2x {2,}.
6. Challenge. Plot graphs |x| + |y| = 4 and x2 + y2 = 16. Calculate
the area enclosed between the two curves. Note that
Graphmatica accepts implicitly defined equations; for example,
the first graph can be entered as: abs(x)+abs(y)=4.
Graphing (Wong) 42
Graphs of Absolute Valued Functions
Objective: To plot graphs of absolute valued functions.
1. The absolute valued function is defined as follows:
| |
x x
x x
- <
Complete the following table of values for |x| and plot it on graph paper.
x -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4
Describe the shape of this graph.
2. Enter the absolute valued function as: y=abs(x). Do you get the same graph?
3. Enter: y=abs(x), y=2abs(x), y=3abs(x), and so on. Sketch the graphs below and
describe their shapes.
4. Enter: y=abs(x), y=abs(x+1), y=abs(x+2), and so on. Sketch the graphs below and
describe their shapes.
43 Graphing (Wong)
5. Complete the table below and determine the vertex of the graph y = |mx + c|.
Function Sketch Graph Vertex
(a) y = |2x + 1|
Enter: y=abs(2x+1)
(b) y = |3x - 4|
(c) y = |5 - 2x |
Write down a rule for finding the coordinates of the vertex of the graph
y = |mx + c| and test your rule with further examples of your own. Explain your
rule algebraically.
Rule: _____________________________________________________________
Algebraic Proof:
Graphing (Wong) 44
6. Work out the following examples and use Graphmatica to check your answers.
What is the effect of taking the absolute value of a function?
Function My Answer Graphmatica
(a) y = x + 1 - 3
y = |x + 1| - 3
(b) y = 2x + 1
y = |2x + 1|
(c) y = x2 - 4
y = |x2 - 4|
(d) y = x3
y = |x3|
(e) y = sin x
y = |sin x|
45 Graphing (Wong)
Transformations on Functions
This activity follows from the earlier activity “Transformations on Quadratic Graphs”.
Target Group Form 4: Additional Mathematics
1. To deduce the effects of various transformations on given
1. To o explore patterns related to families of curves.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should be familiar with the function notation.
2. Work through the worksheet "Transforming Functions".
3. The effects are:
(a) f(x) + a: translate the basic graph through a units along
the y-axis, upward if a > 0 and downward if a < 0;
(b) f(x + a): translate the basic graph through a units along
the x-axis, to the left if a > 0 and to the right if a < 0;
(c) af(x): stretch the basic graph along the y-axis with factor
a; if a = -1, the basic graph is reflected in the x-axis;
(d) f(ax): stretch the basic graph along the x-axis with factor
; if a = -1, the basic graph is reflected in the y-axis;
(e) |f(x)|: the negative y portion of the basic graph is reflected
in the x-axis;
(f) f(|x|): no simple description!
(g) f -1(x): reflect the basic graph along the y = x. In many
cases, the formula for f -1(x) cannot be written as simple
formula. However, its graph can be plotted by
interchanging x and y. See the section "Inverse
3. Repeat the above using other functions (simple ones only).
4. Item 3 is a test whether pupils can apply the above
transformations even though the original function is not known.
The answer is (-3, 5), irrespective of the original function f(x).
Graphing (Wong) 46
Transforming Functions
Objective: To explore the effects of various
transformations on given function.
1. Let f(x) = x3 - 3x. Plot its graph.
In the following table, a is the parameter that can take various values: positive,
negative, zero, integers, fractions, etc. Experiment with different values of a in
order to understand the effects of each transformation. Use Graphmatica to plot
the graphs for the values of a you wish to explore, so that you can focus on what
the transformation is doing. Complete the table below.
Transformation Graph Effect
(a) f(x) + a = x3 - 3x + a
(b) f(x + a) =
(c) a f(x) =
(d) f(ax) =
47 Graphing (Wong)
Transformation Graph Effect
(e) |f(x)| =
(f) f(|x|) =
(g) f -1(x) =
2. Repeat the above with other functions, for example, f(x) = sin x.
3. The point (-2, 4) is on the graph of f(x). What are its coordinates under the graph
of g(x) = 2f(x + 1) - 3 ? You may like to explore with several graphs f(x) that pass
through the point (-2,4). Does the answer depend on which function you assign to
Graphing (Wong) 48
Derivatives of Functions
Target Group Form 5 Additional Mathematics
1. To understand the graphical relationship between a function
and its first and second derivatives.
2. To compare and contrast between curves.
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should know that the (first) derivative gives the equation
of the tangent to the function.
2. Work through the worksheet "Derivatives of Functions".
3. Item 2 helps pupils to focus on the key features between the
curves. See the suggested answers below. If pupils deduce
something different from the table, discuss their answers in
4. Item 4 (f) gives an error message; |x| cannot be differentiated at
the origin because of the sharp turn there. If one keeps zooming
in at any point on a smooth curve like y = x2, the curve
eventually becomes straight. However, if this is done for the
vertex of |x|, no matter how many times one zooms in, the sharp
turn is always there. Try this on Graphmatica! This is the
difference between points that have a derivative against those
without a derivative.
5. For further practice, begin with a function, say x4, and keep
finding its successive derivatives. What happens?
y = x2
First Derivative:
dx = 2x
Second Derivative:
d y
2 = 2
Degree 2 1 0 (constant)
Shape curve straight line horizontal line
Turning point minimum at x = 0 equals 0 positive
Decreasing negative
Increasing positive
49 Graphing (Wong)
Derivatives of Functions
Objective: To understand the graphical relationship
between a function and its first and second
1. Let y = x2. Then dy
dx = 2x. Enter: y=x^2. Click Calculus/Find Derivative. Notice
that the derivative is given at the bottom status bar and its graph is plotted. Copy
the graph and its derivative below using different colours.
2. Complete columns 2 and 3 of the table below to compare the shapes of the two
y = x2
First Derivative:
dx = 2x
Second Derivative:
d y
2 =
Degree 2
Shape curve
Turning point
3. Click on the derivative. Click Calculus/Find Derivative. Look at the status bar and
note the new graph. This is the second derivative of the function. Add this graph to
the grid above using different colour. Complete column 3 of the table above.
4. Repeat the above for the functions below.
(a) y = x2 - 6x + 5 (b) y = -x2 - 6x + 5
(c) y = x3 - 3x (d) y = sin x
(e) y x
2 + 1
(f) y = |x|
Graphing (Wong) 50
Parametric Equations
Target Group Form 5 Additional Mathematics
1. To plot graphs of simple parametric equations.
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
2. To engage in problem posing and self check.
Comments 1. Pupils should have some ideas about parametric equations.
Graphs of parametric equations are not normally plotted,
though adding a visual aspect will enhance understanding.
2. Work through the worksheet "Graphs of Parametric
3. Item 1 reinforces the concept of parameter through manual
plotting, that is, each value of the parameter, t, corresponds to
one point on the curve.
4. Item 2 explains how to enter parametric equations in
Graphmatica. The domain must be specified; the x and y
equations must be separated by a semicolon; the parameter
must be in t and not other variable.
5. Item 3 provides further practice in plotting parametric
equations to stress the meaning of parameter.
6. Item 4 is an investigation that requires the use of problem
solving strategies.
7. Item 5 leads to the standard result that the inverse of a graph is
obtained by reflecting it about the line y = x.
8. For extension, obtain the parametric equations of standard
51 Graphing (Wong)
Graphs of Parametric Equations
Objective: To plot graphs of parametric equations.
1. A curve is defined by the following parametric equations: x = 3t, y = t + 2.
Complete the following table of values and plot the points on graph paper.
t -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3
(a) What curve do you get? _____________________________________
(b) What is its Cartesian equation?
2. Enter the above equations in Graphmatica: x=3t ; y=t+2 {-3,3}. Click
Options/Print Tables. Do you get the same values and graph?
3. For each set of parametric equations below, draw a table of values and graph it.
Use Graphmatica to check your answer.
(a) x = 2t, y = t2 + 1, -3 £t £ 3 (b) x = 3t, y = 3t
, -4 £t £ 4
(c) x = t(1 + t), y = t2(2 + t), -3 £t £ 3 (tricky!)
(d) x = 2sin t, y = 3cos t, 0 £t £ 4p (Enter pi for p in Graphmatica)
4. (Investigation) Consider the parametric equations: x = 1 + at, y = 2 + bt, where
0 £t £ 4, and a, b take values -1, 0 or 1.
(a) Construct a table to cover all the nine possible cases.
(b) In each case, plot the graph.
(c) How is the slope of each line segment related to the values of a and b?
(d) Repeat with -4 £t £ 0.
5. Inverse functions can be plotted using parametric equations.
(a) Plot y = x3 + x by the parametric equations: x = t, y = t3 + t, -4 £t £ 4.
(b) Its inverse is obtained by replacing x by y and vice versa, i.e., x= y3 + y. How
would you enter this as parametric equations? Try it.
(c) Plot y = x. What do you notice?
Graphing (Wong) 52
Power Series
Target Group Form 6 Principal Mathematics
1. To illustrate graphically the behaviours of power series of
standard functions.
1. To link symbolic mode to visual mode.
Comments 1. Several standard functions have well-known power series
obtained by Taylor's formula. The behaviours of these power
series can be studied by plotting the expansion terms by terms.
This will also highlight the domain where the series converges.
2. Consider the power series for sin x:
sin x = x - x + x - x + 3 5 7
6 120 5040 L , valid for all x.
The plots around (-2, 2) are shown below. As more terms are
included, the series approaches the sine curve.
(a) sin x (b) sin x and x
(c) sin x and x - x3
6 (d) sin x and x - x + x 3 5
6 120
3. Apply the above method to other power series.
53 Graphing (Wong)
Graphing Software as a Productivity Tool
Graphmatica can be used as a productivity tool in the following ways to save
time and effort and to enhance the quality of printed materials.
1. The graphs can be copied and pasted into worksheets and tests. This
can be done in three different ways.
(a) To copy the whole screen, select Edit/Copy Graphs
BMP/Monochrome. This will copy the screen to the clipboard as
a bitmap of size about 40 KB. Open the file containing the
worksheet (or a new file) in Winword, and click Edit/Paste. If the
coloured version is used, the size increases to about 670 KB!
(b) To copy the graph on a smaller window, adjust the size of the
Graphmatica window by dragging from the bottom right hand
corner; the cursor becomes a double-sided arrow. Continue as
in (a).
(c) To copy a small area of the window, use a
screen capture utility. A useful one is the
shareware called Scap by Allty Systems. The
Capture/Area feature is most useful. To
install this utility, copy the scap.exe file into a
sub-directory and then click on it.
Another screen capture utility is the shareware All Screen 95
PRO (screen95.exe), which is available from:
http://web.ukonline.co.uk/a.mccann. It has a 30 days trial period.
2. Use the graphing software to check answers to exercises. This saves
time and effort for the teachers.
3. Prepare special files that contain graphs and comments so that pupils
can load and study them. Follow the following steps.
(a) Prepare the graphs.
(b) Click Show Labels.
(c) Click Labels/Title to add overall title to the graphs.
(d) Click Labels/Annotate to add labels or comments to the graphs.
After entering the text, click Place to position the text.
(e) Click File/Save and enter a name for the file. Graphmatica saves
the file as an equation list with the extension .GR.
To view an equation list, click File/Open List and select the file. Try
the sample lists included in the program and the three examples,
wongabs.gr, wonginv.gr, and sine.gr.
Graphing (Wong) 54
Other than Graphmatica, the following two graphing software are worth
The GraphEq from Pedagoguery Software is a commercial software. A
demo version can be downloaded from: http://www.peda.com/grafeq/. It can
show animation of graphs. It costs US $100 to purchase.
The Winplot program (winplotz.exe) is available at:
http://www.math.msu.edu/Help/ftp or
http://www.exeter.edu/~rparris. This shareware can plot 3-
D graphs. Click on the file to install it.
Selected references of research and teaching ideas about graphing software
and graphics calculators are given below.
Bloomfield, A. & Harries, T. (Eds.). (1995). Teaching, learning and
mathematics - with I.T. Derby: Association of Teachers of
Mathematics. (QA20.C65 T423. The book contains many good
examples of how computer can be used in mathematics teaching.)
Dugdale, S. (1990). Beyond the evident content goals Part III: An
undercurrent-enhanced approach to trigonometric identities. Journal of
Mathematical Behavior, 9(3), 233-287.
Dugdale, S., Wagner, L.J., & Kibbey, D. (1992). Visualizing polynomial
functions: New insights from an old method in a new medium. Journal
of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 11, 123-141.
Froelich, G. (Ed.). (1994). Technology in the classroom (Vols. 1-2).
Lexington, Mass: COMAP. (QA20.C65 T423. Interesting examples
covering various aspects of teaching mathematics with computers.)
Goldenberg, E. P. (1988). Mathematics, metaphors, and human factors:
Mathematical, technical, and pedagogical challenges in the educational
use of graphical representation of functions. Journal of Mathematical
Behavior, 7, 135-173.
Ruthven, K. (1990). The influence of graphic calculator use on translation
from graphic to symbolic forms. Educational Studies in Mathematics,
21(5), 431-450.
Tall, D. (1985). Understanding the calculus. Mathematics Teaching, 100,
Wong, K.Y. (1990). A graphing program using Logo. Journal of Computers
in Mathematics and Science Teaching, 9(2), 85-91.
Wong, K.Y. (1997). Learning graphs and geometric transformations with
computer: An experience with primary pre-service students. In M.
Quigley & P.K. Veloo (Eds.), Innovations in science and mathematics
curricula (pp. 326-334). Bandar Seri Begawan: Universiti Brunei
55 Graphing (Wong)
The following journals are useful resources for locating teaching ideas and
research findings about graphing in mathematics instruction.
· Mathematics in Schools (S QA11.A1 M37)
· Mathematics Teachers (S QA1 M37)
· Mathematics Teaching (S QA11.A1 M353)
· Micromath (S QA76.95 M52)
· School Science and Mathematics (S Q1 S28)
· Teaching Children Mathematics (S QA135.5 T42)
Graphing (Wong) 56
Teacher Feedback
Name: _____________________________________________________________
School: __________________________ Class: ___________________________
Date of Lesson: ___________________
For each item, circle the code that best indicates your degree of agreement or
disagreement to the item.
Strongly Disagree (SD)
Disagree (D)
Uncertain (U)
Agree (A)
Strongly Agree (SA)
1. The graph worksheet was easy to use. SD D U A SA
2. I enjoyed using the graphing software to teach
the topic.
3. I liked to use the graphing software to prepare
worksheets and tests.
4. I was not sure of some of the features on how
to use the graphing software.
5. I would like to try another lesson using
graphing software.
6. I could cover the same material more
effectively without using this graphing
7. After this lesson, I felt more confident in using
computer to teach mathematics.
8. Most of my pupils could complete the activity
as given.
Describe briefly any difficulties you faced in using this graphing software and the
worksheet in your lesson.
57 Graphing (Wong)
Pupil Feedback
Name: ____________________________________ Sex: __________________
Class: _______________________ Date of Lesson: __________________
In Computer Studies Class? Yes  No 
Have Computer at Home? Yes  No 
For each item, circle the code that best indicates your degree of agreement or
disagreement to the item.
Strongly Disagree (SD)
Disagree (D)
Uncertain (U)
Agree (A)
Strongly Agree (SA)
1. The worksheet was easy to use. SD D U A SA
2. I enjoyed using computer to learn this topic. SD D U A SA
3. The software was easy to use. SD D U A SA
4. I was confused by the instructions on how to
use the software.
5. I would like my teacher to use this method to
teach the next topic.
6. Doing the activity was a waste of time. SD D U A SA
7. I prefer my teacher to tell me exactly what to
do rather than to do the activity.
8. I liked to discuss things with my friends. SD D U A SA
9. The computer activity helped me to understand
10. I found the computer activity challenging. SD D U A SA
Write down all the things that you did not like about this lesson.

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